Scientific Publications
The following list includes open access, peer-reviewed scientific publications on Long COVID submitted to our Secretariat by members of our network and partners. Studies are primarily from research conducted in Canada. Still, we have also included selected publications (identified by members) from the international scientific literature as relevant to research, policy and care in Canada. Most recent articles are listed first; the list is updated weekly and provides a snapshot of published research on Long COVID.
We recognize it is neither comprehensive nor completely representative of the large and growing pool of international literature on Long COVID and we recommend working with a health sciences librarian to conduct searches of all available evidence relevant to questions you may have. Suggestions of peer-reviewed, open-access scientific publications from Canadian research can be submitted to
*Date indicated is for earliest release (e.g. initial online or e-publication)
Journal and Link to Article
2023 DEC 8
A learning health system for long COVID care and research in British Columbia
Naik H, Malbeuf M, Shao S, Wong A, Tran K, Russell J, Lavallee D, Carlsten C, Ryerson C, Levin A
CCAHS National Survey
2023 DEC 1
Post-COVID-19 Condition in Canada: What we know, what we don’t know and a framework for action
Office of the Chief Science Advisor
About LC Priorities
2023 OCT 26
Sequential multi-omics analysis identifies clinical phenotypes and predictive biomarkers for long COVID
Wang K, Khoramjoo M, Srinivasan K, Gordon PMK, Mandal R, Jackson D, Sligl W, Grant MB, Penninger JM, Borchers CH, Wishart DS, Prasad V, Oudit GY
2023 OCT 24
Validation of ANG-1 and P-SEL as biomarkers of post-COVID-19 conditions using data from the Biobanque québécoise de la COVID-19 (BQC-19)
Yamga E, Soulé A, Piché A, Emad A, Durand M, Rousseau S
About LC
2023 OCT 17
Long-term symptoms in Canadian adults who tested positive for COVID-19 or suspected an infection, January 2020 to August 2022
Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada
CCAHS-2 national survey
2023 SEPT 5
Rehabilitation Interventions for Physical Capacity and Quality of Life in Adults With Post-COVID-19 Condition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Pouliopoulou DV, Macdermid JC, Saunders E, Peters S, Brunton L, Miller E, Quinn KL, Pereira TV,
Bobos P
2023 AUG 16
A learning health system for long COVID care and research in British Columbia
Naik H, Malbeuf M, Shao S, Wong A, Tran K, Russell J, Lavallee D, Carlsten C, Ryerson C, Levin A
Model of care and research
2023 JUL 11
The immunology of long COVID
Altmann D, Whettlock Em Liu Sm Arachchillage D, Boyton R
Nature Reviews – Immunology
2023 JUL 7
Understanding How Post–COVID-19 Condition Affects Adults and Health Care Systems
Katz GM, Bach K, Bobos P, Cheung AM, Décary S, Goulding S, Herridge MS, McNaughton CD, Palmer K, Razak F, Zhang B, Quinn KL.
2023 JUL 5
Emergency Visits or Hospitalizations for Cardiovascular Diagnoses in the Post-Acute Phase of COVID-19
McAlister F, Nabipoor M, Wang T, Bakal JA
2023 APR 6
Cardiovascular Considerations in the Management of People With Suspected Long COVID
Quinn KL, Lam GY, Walsh JF, Bhéreur A, Brown AD, Chow CW, Chung CKY, Cowan J, Crampton
N, Décary S, Falcone EL, Graves L, Gross DP, Hanneman K, Harvey PJ, Holmes S, Katz GM,
Parhizgar P, Sharkawy A, Tran KC, Waserman S, Zannella VE, Cheung AM
The Canadian Journal of Cardiology
About LC
2023 FEB 21
Organ and cell-specific biomarkers of Long-COVID identified with targeted proteomics and machine learning
Patel M, Knauer, M, Nicholson M, Daley M, Van Nynatten L, Cepinskas G, Fraser D
Molecular Medicine
2023 FEB 8
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the health of residents and the healthcare system in Alberta, Canada: an observational study—The Alberta POST-COVID Follow-up Study
Chen X, Bakal J, Whitten T, Waldie B, Ho C, Wright P, Hassam S, Norris C.
BMJ Journals
2023 FEB 6
Beyond Acute COVID-19: A Review of Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes
Parhizgar P, Yazdankhah N, Rzepka AM, Chung KYC, Ali I, Lai R, Russell V, Cheung AM
2023 FEB 1
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2—at the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic
Oudit GY, Wang K, Viveiros A, Kellner MJ, Penninger JM
2023 JAN 17
Diagnosing post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID) in adults
Quinn KL, Razak F, Cheung AM
Diagnosing LC
2023 JAN 17
Assessing common and potentially modifiable symptoms of post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID) in adults
Quinn KL, Razak F, Cheung AM
Treatment for LC
2023 JAN 17
Treating common and potentially modifiable symptoms of post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID) in adults
Quinn KL, Cheung AM, Razak F
Treatment for LC
2022 OCT 31
What is Safe Long COVID Rehabilitation?
DeMars J, Brown DA, Angelidis I, Jones F, McGuire F, O’Brien KK, Oller D, Pemberton S, Tarrant R,
Verduzco-Gutierrez M, Gross DP
2022 OCT 10
Elevated vascular transformation blood biomarkers in Long-COVID indicate angiogenesis as a key pathophysiological mechanism
Patel M, Knauer M, Nicholoson M, Daley M, Van Nynatten L, Martin C, Patterson E, Sepiskas G, Seney S, Dobretzberger V, Miholits M, Webb B, Fraser D
Molecular Medicine
2022 SEPT 7
Understanding the Post COVID-19 Condition (Long COVID) in adults and the expected burden for Ontario
Quinn K, Katz G, Bobos P, Sander B, McNaughton C, Cheung AM, Herridge M, Atzema C, Born K, Chan C, Chien V, Kaplan D, Kwong J, Leung S, Mah L, Mishra S, Morris A, Mushquash C, Palmer K, Rendely A, Slutsky A, Stalteri R, Razak F, on behalf of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table
Ontario Science Table Brief
About LC
2022 MAR 7
Long COVID and episodic disability: advancing the conceptualisation, measurement and knowledge of episodic disability among people living with Long COVID - protocol for a mixed-methods study
O'Brien KK, Brown DA, Bergin C, Erlandson KM, Vera JH, Avery L, Carusone SC, Cheung AM, Goulding S, Harding R, McCorkell L, O'Hara M, Robinson L, Thomson C, Wei H, St Clair-Sullivan N, Torres B, Bannan C, Roche N, Stokes R, Gayle P, Solomon P
Research protocol. Disability and LC
2021 DEC 21
A clinical case definition of post-COVID-19 condition by a Delphi consensusPMCID: PMC8691845.
Soriano JB, Murthy S, Marshall JC, Relan P, Diaz JV; WHO Clinical Case Definition Working Group on Post-COVID-19 Condition
Lancet Infect Dis S1473-3099(21)00703-9
Defining LC
2021 SEPT 3
Prevalence of long-term effects in individuals diagnosed with COVID-19; an updated living systematic review
Reyes Domingo D, Waddell L, Cheung AM, , Curtis L. Cooper MD FRCPC, Veronica J. Belcourt MSc PhD1, Alexandra M. E. Zuckermann PhD, Tricia Corrin MPH, Rukshanda Ahmad MBBS MHA, Laura Boland SLP-C PhD, Claudie Laprise MSc PhD6, Leanne Idzerda MSc PhD, Anam Khan MPH, Kate Morissette MSc, Alejandra Jaramillo Garcia MSc
2021 AUG 26
Understanding long COVID: a modern medical challenge
The Lancet
About LC
2021 MAR 26
Challenges in defining Long COVID: Striking differences across literature, Electronic Health Records, and patient-reported information
Rando HM, Bennett TD, Byrd JB, Bramante C, Callahan TJ, Chute CG, Davis HE, Deer R, Gagnier J, Koraishy FM, Liu F, McMurry JA, Moffitt RA, Pfaff ER, Reese JT, Relevo R, Robinson PN, Saltz JH, Solomonides A, Sule A, Topaloglu U, Haendel MA
medRxiv (preprint)
Defining LC