Long COVID Web Seed Funding
The Long COVID Web Seed Funding call for proposals aims to support Canadian-led research studies that seek to accelerate our understanding and improve care delivery and treatment of Long COVID.
This funding opportunity has been specifically designed to provide seed funding to generate evidence that lays the foundation for future research and applications to other funding opportunities or to perform and establish necessary fundamental work that enables innovative research.
View Seed funding results from past years here:
2025 Call for proposals to be announced soon.
Funds Available
Up to $1.2 million CAD is available for this call. With funding amounts of up to $25,000 (4-8 awards, towards trainee/PDF/staff support), up to $50,000 (6-10 awards), and up to $100,000 (4-6 awards) to support 1-year projects.
For the proposed research to be eligible it must fulfill each of the following points:
Be a registered member with Long COVID Web (https://airtable.com/shrbiqADpoCny2EeT).
Be eligible under tri-agency guidelines to be a principal applicant.
The nominated principal applicant/s (NPA/s) of any proposed research can only submit 1 application to this competition (while NPA/s can be co-investigator/s on other applications).
Emerging scholars and early-career researchers are encouraged to apply.
Agree funds will be transferred to an organization eligible to hold CIHR funds; this organization will ensure and report that funds were used for CIHR-eligible expenses.
The researchers will acknowledge the Long COVID Web partnership and funding in all related presentations and publications.
Call for Proposal - To be announced for 2025