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Our Values

  1. Diversity: We value diversity with respect to the individual backgrounds, experiences, perspectives and expertise that people bring to the Web – we are inclusive of people with lived experience, clinicians, researchers, scientists, and policymakers. We prioritize equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in all aspects of our work. We acknowledge that ableism and tokenism are significant barriers to achieving this goal and have no place in our organization.

  2. Respect: We are committed to treating others with respect, regardless of differences in perspectives and experiences within the Long COVID community. We acknowledge the important role that science has played in the advancement of our understanding of Long COVID, and the uncertainty and changes that often occur as science continues to evolve in the field. We believe it is essential to establish a respectful climate that allows for the expression of difficulties and differences of interpretation and experience while enabling respectful exchanges on more challenging topics. While we are committed to privileging science and evidence over opinion and belief, we are also committed to freedom of speech, academic freedom, and the importance of respectful dialogue in the pursuit of knowledge.

  3. Innovation: We are committed to innovation and are open to new approaches and ideas. We recognize that Long COVID is a complex and evolving phenomenon, and we believe that innovation is critical to advancing our understanding of this condition and developing effective treatments and interventions.

  4. Collaboration: We prioritize open-minded collaboration among all participants, recognizing that no single group or individual has all the answers. We believe that the best solutions come from working together, and we are dedicated to sharing knowledge, ideas, and resources in an open and transparent manner. We are committed to building strong partnerships, encourage interdisciplinary collaborations, and value the contributions of all participants.

  5. Accountability: In the development and delivery of the work plan for Long COVID Web, we are accountable to our members and are committed to transparency and accountability in all aspects of our work. We believe in the importance of rigorous research, data-driven decision-making, and ethical conduct in all our activities.

  6. Empathy and openness: We value empathy, openness and compassion in all of our interactions with each other and in our work together. We recognize that Long COVID can have a profound impact on people's lives, and we are committed to listening to and learning from the experiences of those affected by this condition. Although larger than our current mandate, we have the same concerns for all those living with complex chronic conditions (including post-infectious conditions). 

  7. Scientific rigour and humility: We are committed to the highest standards of scientific rigor in our research and efforts to understand Long COVID and are committed to building upon existing science related to post-infectious conditions. At the same time, we recognize that there is still much we do not know about this condition, and that uncertainty is a natural part of the scientific process. We also understand the importance of validating our patients by welcoming and acknowledging their experiences. We are dedicated to contributing to the ongoing evolution of knowledge and to improving health and health care for those living with and affected by Long COVID, while remaining humble in the face of the many challenges that lie ahead.

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